- set an alarm
- go to sleep
- make a loud noise
Another common use of Linux boxes is as media centres, so it should have come as no surprise when I discovered that a similar problem had been solved by MythTV for an eco-friendly PVR function. (See here.)
The simplest thing that could possibly work began to look a bit like this:
wake=$(date --date="$1" +%s)Slightly noteworthy here is:
sudo sh -c "echo $wake > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm"
sudo /etc/acpi/sleepbtn.sh
/usr/bin/realplay rtsp://live1.rte.ie/redundant/1516.ra
- The rtc driver's wake-up parameter is "seconds since the epoch".
- sleepbtn.sh is a Debian-ism; you may have an equivalent.
- GNU date has an awesome parser.
- (Don't you love that "redundant" in RTE's URL? What are they trying to say, exactly?)
The first problem is that networking is disabled when the machine wakes up which upsets Real Player. (It doesn't fail, it pops up a dialog box, which isn't of very much use to a sleeping user.) A simple sleep works around this one.
A more insidious problem arises from Ubuntu's default ALSA configuration. If a program has the default audio device open when the machine goes to sleep, Real Player will fail to open it when it wakes up. Again it doesn't return a failure status, just prints an error on the console:
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:996:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA snd_pcm_open error: Device or resource busy
The solution, described here, is to configure a software mixer sitting over the real device. (This also allows you to hear incoming Skype calls while listening to the radio, which is nice.)
So with the addition of some error-checking and a configuration file, setting an alarm clock is now as simple as:
$ /usr/local/bin/wakeup "tomorrow 07:00" radio4(Admittedly the UI could use some work. Feel free to contribute!)
$ cat ~/.wakeuprc
$ cat /usr/local/bin/wakeup
[ $# -ne 2 ] && echo "Usage:" && exit -1
[ ! -f $RC ] && echo "$RC: Not found" && exit -1
. $RC
[ "${!name}" == "" ] && echo "Failed to find $name in $RC" && exit 1
wake=$(date --date="$1 +1" +%s)
wake_str=$(date -d @$wake)
now=$(date +%s)
[ $now -gt $wake ] && echo "$wake_str is past!" && exit 1
echo "Will wake at $wake_str"
sudo sh -c "echo > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm"
sudo sh -c "echo $wake > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm"
sudo /etc/acpi/sleepbtn.sh
sleep 45
/usr/bin/realplay ${!name}